Code of Conduct

AGILE Real Estate Code of Conduct

Our code of conduct applies to all employees and representatives of AGILE Real Estate Advisory & Management GmbH, who work in the areas of real estate consulting and interim management. This Code of Conduct serves as a guide to ethical conduct and adherence to the highest standards in our business practices. We are convinced of it, that this contributes significantly to mutually fair treatment and overall to improved working conditions and the achievement of goals.

Integrity and honesty

We commit ourselves, always honest, to act with integrity and transparency.

We do not give false information or promises to customers, business partners or employees.

We don't take bribes, Offer or offer bribery or other illegal acts


We respect the confidentiality of all information, that are entrusted to us, and treat them with the utmost care. b. We will not disclose confidential information to unauthorized persons without consent.

Conflicts of interest

We avoid situations, in which our personal interests could conflict with those of the company or our customers. b. We disclose conflicts of interest and look for solutions, that protect the interests of all parties involved.

Customer satisfaction

We are committed to and strive for customer satisfaction, to best meet their needs and expectations.

We provide high quality services and adhere to agreed standards and deadlines.

Respect and diversity

We treat all people regardless of their origin, Religion, Gender, sexual orientation or other characteristics with respect and dignity. We promote a work environment, that supports diversity and inclusion.

Environmental awareness

We pay attention to the environmentally friendly use of resources and strive for sustainable business practices.

We are committed to environmentally friendly solutions and practices in our work.

Compliance and legal compliance

We comply with all applicable laws, Regulations and standards in the countries, in which we operate.

We promote a culture of compliance and promptly report violations or concerns to the appropriate authorities.

Sense of responsibility

We take responsibility for our actions and the impact of our decisions on customers, colleagues and society.

We learn from mistakes and continually strive for improvement.

This code of conduct is binding for all employees and representatives of AGILE Real Estate Advisory & Management GmbH. Every employee is responsible for this, ensure, that his behavior is consistent with these principles. Violations of this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Datum: 01.01.2023


Gregor John von Freyend and Tobias Schlitzl